Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Upcoming Webinars on Low-Income Solar

Don't miss out on this two part webinar series from Clean States Alliance on Low-Income Solar.

Low-Income Solar, Part 1: Lessons Learned from Energy Efficiency Programs
Thursday, March 23, 1-2pm ET

As states seek to increase the adoption of solar among low-income households and communities, the history of low-income energy efficiency programs provides useful lessons. In this webinar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher Ian Hoffman will discuss the lessons learned from low-income energy efficiency programs, and how they can be applied to low-income solar programs. Topics covered will include how programs can be tailored to different segments of the low-income population, such as multifamily vs. single-family housing, as well as what obstacles have been encountered and what new solutions are proposed.
Panelist: Ian Hoffman, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Moderator: Warren Leon, Clean Energy States Alliance

Low-Income Solar, Part 2: Using the Tools of Low-Income Energy Efficiency Financing  
Thursday, March 30, 1-2pm ET

As states seek to increase the adoption of solar among low-income households and communities, many states are considering employing financing tools that have been used for low-income energy efficiency. In this webinar, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researcher Greg Leventis will review low-income energy efficiency financing products and discuss how different financing products can address different barriers to low-income energy improvements.

Panelist: Greg Leventis, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Moderator: Warren Leon, Clean Energy States Alliance

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