Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Midwest co-ops test value of placing batteries in customers’ homes

Written by: Karen Uhlenhuth 
April 11, 2019

The rural electric cooperatives are testing how the storage technology can help customers and their systems.

The rural electric cooperatives are testing how the storage technology can help customers and their systems. Four Midwestern rural electric cooperatives are installing smart batteries in the homes of a few customers to test whether they can economically reduce peak demand or provide other benefits to customers or their systems

Four Midwestern rural electric cooperatives are installing smart batteries in the homes of a few customers to test whether they can economically reduce peak demand or provide other benefits to customers or their systems.

The co-ops came together through a professional association and pooled their purchasing power to buy the batteries, which have built-in management systems that allow them to, for example, monitor energy use.