Saturday, May 11, 2019

Energy Storage Faculty Consortium Project - Germany Day 8 Reterra Biodigester & Bandenova Utility

Today our CREATE team visited Reterra, the biodigester company responsible for collecting the organic waste from Freiburg’s residences. The resulting methane is mixed with landfill gas and burned to provide both heat and electricity. The liquid and solid remains are provided to farmers and home gardeners as fertilizer. Remarkably, with such a wide collection of organic waste, the operators say that the supply to the biodigester is stable for the nourishment of the methane producing bacteria. To deal with the problem of contamination of the organic waste, Reterra has developed an innovative system of manipulating the material prior to its insertion in the digester in order to remove items like plastic bags: Reterra operators use a joystick to maneuver a claw to manipulate the organic material.

We crossed the street to the headquarters of Badenova, a local utility. Badenova explained two of their pilot projects with battery storage. Project INVADE is funded by the European Union and has sites located in five different countries. Freiburg’s portion consists of a vanadium redox flow battery (VRFB) installed at the end of a long feeder line that has a several large photovoltaic systems connected. The combination of these items makes maintaining the voltage and avoiding energy supply congestion difficult. The VRFB has the capacity for 20,000 + cycles and fits the characteristics of the location. Initial tests seem positive for both voltage regulation and peak shaving, potentially enabling the distribution grid to continue to operate without upgrades and enabling the prosumer owners of PV systems to supply electricity to the grid without interruption. A representative of Storion Energy, the company responsible for creating this battery, provided a brief description of the operation of this type of battery and its advantages.

The second pilot involves connecting 10 residential customers with various energy storage systems together and controlling the operation of their energy storage systems based on the needs of the distribution grid. While the project shows the implementation of such a “network” is technically feasible, the regulations in Germany do not currently allow for this kind of operation. Badenova has proposed to the Federal grid agency to change the regulations, allowing for this type of innovative connection and control.