4, 2019
Julian Spector
— It's become a cliche to compare today's energy storage market to where the
solar industry was a certain number of years ago. But storage's trajectory
differs from the early growth dynamics of solar power in a crucial respect: It
transcends the geographic boundaries, dictated by sunshine and policy, that
constrained solar's rise.
Fast-acting battery
technology performs many roles: frequency regulation, capacity, deferral of
wires upgrades, resilience, firming renewable generation and more. It does not
rely on a geographically specific weather pattern or any one set of state
policies to become valuable, and it's already asserting itself across the U.S.,
said Daniel Finn-Foley, energy storage director at Wood Mackenzie, speaking
Tuesday at GTM's Energy Storage Summit in Denver.
For the rest of the story visit: Energy Storage Growth Trajectory