By Julian Spector
U.S. energy storage industry capped off its biggest year of installations with
its largest single quarter in Q4.
energy storage installation topped 522.7 megawatts/1,113 megawatt-hours in 2019
as a whole and 186.4 megawatts/364.2 megawatt-hours in the fourth quarter,
according to the newly released Energy Storage Monitor 2019 Year
in Review, produced by Wood Mackenzie and the
Energy Storage Association.
years, those in the industry have argued that the ability to store
and release electricity nearly instantaneously offers great operational
benefits, not just for the adoption of intermittent renewables but also for
more efficient grid operations.
latest numbers suggest that this argument is starting to resonate as
utilities across the nation contract for large battery plants and an
unprecedented number of homeowners seek solar-battery combinations to keep the
lights on in an outage.
the rest of the story visit: https://StorageBiggestQuarterin2019