One of
the most important reasons to choose renewable energy over incumbent
technologies is because renewables take the long view. They meet our most
immediate needs without jeopardizing the next generation’s livable future.
this entire well-intentioned mission can’t work if renewable technologies
themselves aren’t built to last and don’t receive the upkeep they need for long
and productive service lives. Here’s a look at some of the best ways to prolong
their use so our assets continue serving us faithfully into the future.
Perform a Lifetime Extension Assessment
turbines are fairly robust pieces of machinery. Most design specifications call
for a service life of around 20 years. However, even low-cost maintenance and
repairs can extend this life if the right care is taken. If an operator is
faced with the decision to decommission a wind turbine or evaluate it for
extended service, a lifetime extension assessment can help.
official groups, including the German Association of Wind Energy, have published sets of technical requirements to
be considered during lifetime extension assessments. Receiving a positive
result from a lifetime extension assessment requires access to the right
For the rest of the story visit: https://ExtendRenewableTech