Monday, February 8, 2021

Moving Up! Strategies for Preparing for Your Next ATE Project Proposal

Webinar: Moving Up! Strategies for Preparing YOUR Next ATE Project Proposal Thursday, March 11, 2021 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. EST Has your college been an ATE grantee? Did you have a “New to NSF” grant? Keep the momentum going! Take advantage of what ATE funding can do for your college’s technician education programs and students by “Moving Up” to an ATE Project. What will help make your proposal be more competitive? How do requirements and reviewer expectations change when you take the next step? Where can you get help to make your proposal more competitive? Learn the answers to these questions along with strategies, insider tips, and mistakes to avoid in seeking your next ATE grant. Register: To register to attend, plrease visit: