Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Energy Storage Faculty Consortium Project - Germany Day 5 University of Stuttgart & Crailsheim

Day Five of the Germany Learning Exchange, or May 7, 2019, was a busy but interesting day for our group of 16 educators. The morning started with a trip to the University of Stuttgart Institute for Thermodynamics and Thermal Engineering. Hosted by Professor Henner Kerskes, the faculty learned more about solar thermal storage through lecture, demonstration and site inspections. We were able to gain a good understanding of several types of solar thermal storage including borehole fields in preparation for our afternoon visit to Crailsheim. The Stadtwerke Crailsheim site visit in the afternoon was hosted by Dr. Dirk Mangold of the Steinbeis Research Institute for Solar and Sustainable Thermal Energy Systems. The large scale solar thermal project was impressive as it was cited in a residential area that had used both innovative architectural adaptations of the solar thermal collectors into both multi-unit and single family homes and incorporated the storage tank into the landscape of green space under a hill near a childrens’ play area. It was also indicative of previous U.S.-Germany cooperation in that the TRNSYS (Transient System Simulation Program: had been developed by a German-Wisconsin team. More information on this project can be found at